Kiln-Dried Comfort The process of kiln-drying
removes and controls the excess amount of moisture
in the wood products used to build your home,
so our logs are lighter and easier to handle.
The wood must be conditioned to the moisture content
it will assume in the months and years after construction
- otherwise it will tend to shrink and twist.
Our logs, beams and purlins
are kiln-dried to an average moisture content
of less than 19 percent graded by certified inspectors
to meet or exceed Log Home Council standards and
backed by a Lifetime Warranty.
We invite you to get a first-hand
look at this process by attending a Construction
of Kiln Drying Most manufacturers
provide "air-dried" logs which are seasoned by
simply storing them for a period of time. The
moisture content of these logs is not specified
or guaranteed. We believe that kiln drying produces
more stable and uniform building products and
is the best way to eliminate potential long-term
problems with your home.
Kiln Drying Benefits:
• Shrinking/Twisting of logs is minimized; logs
are preshrunk before milling and grading by trained
inspectors. Doors and windows don't bind, and
frequent caulking is not required.
• Checking (cracking) is minimized by careful
drying of the logs before milling. Kiln drying
allows defective logs to be graded out prior to
• Insects, their
eggs and larva are killed by kiln-drying.
• Pitch is crystallized which greatly minimizes
any seepage to the surface later on.
• Preservatives/Finishes can be applied immediately
after construction; they absorb deeper and last
longer for a more effective treatment.
• Weight of the logs is greatly reduced; more
than 10,000 lbs. of water are removed for the
typical home package, and the longest logs are
easily handled by two people.